Our Math eBook, ‘REVEALING ALL THE SECRETS’, is now out on Amazon’s Kindle!
Students studying in Primary/Secondary/Tertiary/Junior Colleges in Singapore, who purchase this eBook from Kindle, will receive a month of free coaching for Math Excellence (4 lessons worth $600). Please contact Mr Raymond at raymondkesavan@hotmail.com. Furthermore, places are limited and are only available on a first-come-first-served basis. Contact us SOON!
Firstly, this is an exciting book for all those who want to know more about generally achieving excellence in Mathematics. This book is specifically tailored for students of all grades and also for parents, educators and tutors who want to be instrumental in helping children achieve success in mathematics.
Undoubtedly, this book will provide the answers to those who wonder why Singapore students always emerge top in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) done every two years.
Besides the other secret revelations, this book also features Singapore Mathematics, Vedic Mathematics and the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
In Chapter 20 of this book, is a story for primary school children to read. It is about an adventure in Thailand and was written by Sarah Jane Kesavan, the granddaughter of Raymond, to help raise funds for students in need of financial assistance. Significantly, both grandpa and granddaughter were born in the year of the rat.
Furthermore, secondary school students can benefit from this book because there are many instant and quick-fire formulas to help students solve problems expeditiously. The book also includes an instant formula for solving number patterns in quadratic sequence.
When the year of the rat began, so did COVID-19. However, because of the lockdown period, Raymond had the opportunity to write this book and also developed a new method to help recall the many digits of π. Eventually, Raymond coined the method ‘The Julie Pattern Generation’.
Overall, there are many pieces of advice and anecdotes, including the intertwining of music and songs with mathematics throughout this book. Thus, this book hopes to undeniably help motivate students and especially help to develop their memory power and thereafter, their mastery of mathematics.
Please see below for a preview of the contents of the E-BOOK.

1. THE COVER STORY – Featuring Three Rats
3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – Thank You To All Contributors And Supporters
4. FOREWORD – A Noble Act Of Sharing
5. POWER OF MOTIVATION – Anecdotes And 10 Affirmations For Motivation
6. POWER OF MEMORY – Anecdotes And 10 Methods For Memory Enhancement
7. POWER OF MATH MASTERY – Anecdotes And 10 P’s For Perfection In Mathematics
8. ABC IN MATHEMATICS – Always Be Creative
9. HARMONICS – Where Mathematics And Music Meets
10. WHAT ARE FRIENDS FOR – Friendly Trigonometric Identities
11. SINGAPORE MATHEMATICS – A Contribution To The World
12. VEDIC MATHEMATICS – Sixteen Superb Sutras Of The Vedas
13. CHINESE MATHEMATICS – A Blast From The Past
14. REMAINDERS AND THEIR SUMS – The Calendar Story
15. RAYMOND: A TRUE STORY – The Man Who Loves Roots And Rats
17. RAYMOND AND THE STUDENTS – Students Galore And Glory
18. RAYMOND ADVISES THE STUDENTS – You’ll Never Walk Alone
19. RAYMOND AND THE STARS – Star Performers And Celebrities
20. REMARKABLE AND TALENTED SARAH – An Educational Story For Charity
21. RELEVANT AND THRILLING SOURCES – A Salute To Internet And Social Media
Mandarin Lessons available
1-on-1 coaching by native teacher. Sign up for Mandarin Lessons and get Math coaching for half price now! Call Raymond Kesavan @ 97485868 for more details.
Maths Excellence through Motivation, Memory Enhancement & Mastery
Join dmaster Learning Centre to find out the secret of success of many of our top students. Call Raymond Kesavan @ 97485868 or visit our Tuition Centre, located at Blk 265, Serangoon Central Drive, #03-265, Singapore 550265 for further enquiries NOW!